Most beautiful places I've been to on this Earth:
Redfish Lake, Sawtooth Mountain Range, Idaho |
Cottesloe Beach Perth, AU |
Seward Alaska
Obviously, of these three locations,
Seward AK is the one pertinent to this blog, described to Mom and I by a local as "the place where the Heavens kiss the Earth."
If you look very closely at the picture of Seward (above), you can see a small white dot in the water; yes, that is a sea otter! And even still, this picture hardly does the area justice. What's more, the drive from Anchorage is perhaps a greater feast for the eyes than the destination itself.
**** **** **** **** ****
those pictures are on my phone, and the gods of the Alaskan Wilderness wanted to first remind me that I am not on a 5-star luxury cruise. So to that end, they broke my phone 6 days ago (on May 1).
What's ironic is I
LOST my phone the week prior (fell out of my pocket while running), but it was returned to me. THIS week: it spontaneously died while charging one morning. No water or falls; no faults on my part.
Day 6 of NO PHONE * WOW MOM!
Additional Obstacles:
- This means NO Verizon stores, kiosks, help desks, or representatives in the entire state.
- No help on the website
- DO PAY PHONES STILL EXIST? Not at my nearest grocery store, mall, or hospital!
- Using courtesy phones for long-distance calls: *Classic Poor etiquette.*
- Did you know: if you are on a FAMILY PLAN, your service providers MAY NOT BE AUTHORIZED TO SPEAK WITH YOU?!
- Why is Katie an authorized user, but Mom and I are NOT?
- Right, like my Dad will ever get on the internet to read this
- Yes, I am 27 y.o. and still on a family plan. Blah. Blah.
These fun obstacles have made for a really fun week. Today May 6 is now my 6th day without cellular service, and if I am lucky, my phone will finally arrive today. If I am not lucky it will arrive on Monday, at which point I will have spent
over 1 full week without cellular phone access.
Now I can officially say:
"I am Christine McCandless." Can I go home now?
; ).
IN OTHER NEWS: I can still do Crow's Pose, so that's pretty cool... |
Much love from up here in the Wild North,